12 ”DECEMBER 2011” Ship statistics of Bosphorus strait

South Bound Ships ( Coming From Black Sea )
TTA ( Crude Oil Tanker ) 190
TCH ( Chemical Tanker ) 147
GGC ( General Cargo ) 1409
UCC ( Container Ship) 102
BBU ( Bulk Carrier ) 219
LPG ( Liquid Petroleum Gas Carrier ) 43
XTG ( Tugs ) 16
URR ( Vehicle Carriers ) 21
GRF ( Refrigrated Ships ) 11
Others 56
Total 2214 ships
Total Pilotage 1118 ships takes Pilot ( 1091 ships not take pilot )
Ships called Marmara Sea ports. 771 ships ( Pilotage compulsory for this vessels )
Turkish Flag Ships 418 Turkish Flag ship passed
North Bound Ships ( Sailing to Black Sea Side )
TTA ( Crude Oil Tanker ) 186
TCH ( Chemical Tanker ) 128
GGC ( General Cargo ) 1353
UCC ( Container Ship) 103
BBU ( Bulk Carrier ) 211
LPG ( Liquid Petroleum Gas Carrier ) 45
XTG ( Tugs ) 13
URR ( Vehicle Carriers ) 24
GRF ( Refrigrated Ships ) 7
Others 52
Total 2122 ships
Total Pilotage 1125 ships take Pilot ( 992 ships not take pilot )
Ships called Marmara Sea ports. 905 ships ( Pilotage compulsory for this vessels )
Turkish Flag Ships 395 Turkish Flag
North and South Bound Ships ( Total )
TTA ( Crude Oil Tanker ) 376
TCH ( Chemical Tanker ) 275
GGC ( General Cargo ) 2762
UCC ( Container Ship) 205
BBU ( Bulk Carrier ) 430
LPG ( Liquid Petroleum Gas Carrier ) 88
XTG ( Tugs ) 29
URR ( Vehicle Carriers ) 45
GRF ( Refrigrated Ships ) 18
Others 108
Total 4336 ships
Total Pilotage 2243 ships take Pilot ( 2083 ships not take pilot )
Ships called Marmara Sea ports. 1676 ships ( Pilotage compulsory for this vessels )
Turkish Flag Ships 813 Turkish Flag


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