11 JANUARY 2013 ( Tanker Traffic )
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B AEGEAN MYTH 0700 Hrs N/B NEVERLAND ANGEL 0900 Hrs S/B NISSOS ANAFI 1300 Hrs S/B BESIKTAS DARDANELLES 1410 Hrs S/B NS CONSUL 1530 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B AEGEAN MYTH 0700 Hrs N/B NEVERLAND ANGEL 0900 Hrs S/B NISSOS ANAFI 1300 Hrs S/B BESIKTAS DARDANELLES 1410 Hrs S/B NS CONSUL 1530 Hrs