Field Exercise at Istanbul on 28-29 Septemper 2011

As per announcement of VTS (Traffic Authority), due field exercise
at Istanbul on 28-29 Septemper 2011 Istanbul Strait will be closed
to traffic on 29th September between 0930 to 1430 hrs

Announced Program is as below
28th Sept 2011
0900 to 1030 hrs Opening Speeches
1030 to 1045 hrs Coffee Break
1045 to 1230 hrs Desk Exercise
1230 to 1330 hrs Lunch
1430 to 1600 hrs Testing Barriers & Other Equipments
1900 hrs Welcome Dinner

29th Sept 2011
0830 to 0930 hrs Entries of Participants
0930 to 1030 hrs Opening Ceremony
1030 to 1045 hrs Exercise Preparation
1100 hrs Starting the Exercise
1200 to 1300 hrs Delivery of Field Rations
1330 hrs End of Exercise
1400 hrs Touring the fairstands which Rapid Reaction Firm’s will set up
1800 hrs Rating the exercise, Closing Dinner